Gail Allen Kinesiology
Love your life
Family Constellations Cairns
Family Constellations has been one of my loves for over 20 years and it has gradually been sneaking into the way I work in my sessions. This year I am finally formalizing my involvement with the Constellations world by doing Facilitator training and so I am now stepping into some more traditional use of the Constellation mystery.
Upcoming Events
When: Thursday 15 August 6.30 - 8pm
What: Health Check Your Yes and No
An Open Group introduction to Constellations including a constellation for one person. Hosted by Cairns Spiritual Centre. Entry $7 for Centre Members, $10 for Centre Guests
Where: Cairns Spiritual Centre
177 Martyn St., Manunda
When: Sunday November 3rd, 9am - 5pm
What: One day group workshop with opportunities to either have your own constellation or represent in someone else's constellation
Where: either Earlville or Manunda - to be confirmed
When: May 2025 - date and time to be confirmed
What: One day group workshop with opportunities to either have your own constellation or represent in someone else's constellations
Where: either Earlville or Manunda - to be confirmed
For more information and to book in please contact me 0405 970 058