Introducing Kinesiology

Kinesiology has been around since the early 1960’s. It is becoming more and more popular because so many people have such positive experiences with the way it enables them to access and enjoy feelings of health and well-being.
In today's post I'm going to share with you the two main keys to effective kinesiology. These keys are muscle testing and energy balancing. By the end of the post you will have learnt a simple energy balancing strategy that can help you manage all sorts of stress.
Muscle Testing
Our muscles are controlled by our nervous system. The nerves to and from the body and muscles are like electrical circuits which take information to and from the brain. These circuits can be controlled consciously by planning a movement and then carrying it out. In Kinesiology the muscle test is used to access the subconscious control of the electrical circuits. At the subconscious level there is a part of us that knows what isn't working for us and also knows how to fix things.

Any muscle can be used for testing, but arm or leg muscles are used most often. To test a muscle, the person being tested will hold their arm or leg steady in a specific position. The position will test a specific muscle. In the picture you can see me testing the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. If you do a google image search on ‘muscle testing’ you’ll see how many other muscles can be tested and you can also learn to do self testing.
The person who is doing the testing exerts gentle pressure on the limb for a couple of seconds and gauges the response. A muscle that holds firm and steady is considered ‘balanced’. A muscle that is not balanced may move easily, feel ‘spongy’ or ‘jammed’. Imbalances can be caused by many different factors but a common factor that can be tested for and then relieved by energy balancing is emotional stress.
To test for the effect of emotional stress, first of all before testing, have the person being tested think positive, happy thoughts. Now test the chosen muscle. Usually in this situation, the muscle will test strong and balanced.
Once this balance has been established, ask the person to think about a stressful situation and then retest the muscle. If the situation is truly upsetting the effect on the muscle will be obvious. It is more likely to feel weak and unbalanced. In this situation the way your muscles respond is not under your conscious control, it reflects your subconscious response. This is one reason why we are likely to be clumsy and prone to injury when feeling stressed.
You can use the energy balancing technique described below to help the person feel better about their upsetting situation. You could also use it on yourself the next time you become aware of being anxious or upset. It’s a great technique for calming down and becoming clearer about situations.
Energy Balancing
Energy balancing simply means restoring the flow of energy in the body so the muscles can respond in a balanced way. There are many ways that this can be achieved including using specific exercises, sounds, flower essences or acupressure. A commonly used technique in Kinesiology is called Emotional Stress Relief.

Emotional Stress Relief (ESR) involves holding particular acupressure points on the forehead while the person thinks through the stressful situation. The points are above the eyes about halfway up the forehead. Hold these points gently for one or two minutes or until the person reports feeling calmer and clearer about the situation. As you hold the points you may feel a faint pulse in one or other of the points. The pulses may become stronger and synchronised as the person’s stress levels reduce.
When ready, have the person think about the situation again while retesting the original muscle. Most of the time the muscle will now be balanced and the person will report that the situation no longer holds the same level of distress for them.
This is just a small and straightforward example of how kinesiology can help in everyday situations. For more information and help with more complicated situations I invite you to contact me.
0405 970 058
Kinesiology in Perth, Fremantle and Rockingham Areas