Why You're scared of New Beginnings

New beginnings bring with them the unknown. Exciting for some but for others a source of anxiety. Anxiety becomes constant worry with the mind going round and round in thought loops. The anxious thought loops tighten all the muscles, the chest tightens, and a fear of not being able breathe descends into a panic attack. Even when not in full blown panic there can be a lingering background atmosphere of dread with feelings of impending doom…
Key muscles to work with these feelings are the Psoas in the lower back and the Upper Trapezius in the shoulders and neck. An out of balance Psoas causes postural changes resulting lower back issues, breathing restrictions, abdominal bloating, reproductive problems and more. When the Upper Trapezius is out of balance the physical issues can include sore shoulders, eye strain, ear and balance problems.
In Kinesiology, both the Psoas and the Upper Trapezius are found to relate to the Kidney Meridian. According to the Chinese Five Element theory used in Acupuncture, the Kidney meridian governs the Water Element which is all about new beginnings and planting seeds for the goals we want to achieve in life. The negative emotions we confront in the water element are overwhelm, restlessness, indecision, fear and desolation.

When we are in a water phase of life, we can feel ‘all at sea’. Even if we know what seeds we are planting (the goals we want to achieve), the seeds haven’t yet begun to sprout or take root. Our plans, like our emotions are very vulnerable. It is very easy to find ourselves stuck in fear rather than moving forward with courage.
Working with people to resolve anxiety, fear and panic is sometimes straightforward. A simple exercise of tapping acupoints (similar to EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique) will resolve long standing phobias. More often the work will be complicated. More often there will be a need to include aspects relating to physical causes, emotional self-regulation response, family background, past experience of trauma, and more.
It is important to be aware of physical issues which need to be addressed. Physical causes for anxiety and panic attacks include:
iron deficiency anemia
histamine intolerance
sensitivity to MSG
genetic issues causing problems in the way the body handles folic acid. (MTHFR)
allergy or sensitivity
an imbalanced gut microbiome
When the cause of anxiety has a purely physical base as in iron deficiency anemia, addressing emotional response is still important. Feelings of anxiety and panic challenge our ability to believe that the world is a safe place. The experience of the panic attack can itself be a source of an ongoing trauma experience. There's a saying that goes something like - 'the fear of the fear is worse than the fear itself.'
When working with emotional issues, self-regulation is a major key to overcoming anxiety. The main saboteur of self-regulation is being stuck in the survival regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System by the Vagus Nerve. Using Kinesiology techniques to access neuro-emotional pathways the body can be supported in accessing courage and learning to recognise and self-regulate emotional and mental responses.
One of the things I love about walking on the beach is the way the waves wash over the sand. As the tide comes in, each new wave goes a bit further up the beach erasing all the footprints, all the sandcastles, all the evidence of people and their many stories. As the tide goes out it leaves the sand behind again, washed clean and smooth, ready for a new beginning.

Working in the water element, after resetting the Kidney muscles I see a similar experience in the client. The old stuff is washed away. A clean new canvas waits for a new beginning, but this time the client is resourced with security, will power and wisdom, able to regulate their emotions and face the future with confidence.
To book a session with me you can either:
call/txt me: 0405 970 058