Dissolving Dread

Feelings of impending doom can descend upon a person out of the blue. There may be a reason, but often there isn't. It just happens. And when it does, is there a solution that doesn't involve medications?
Is it possible to feel back in control of your life?
Learning Kinesiology was one of those steep learning curves for me. It was intense. We had a class of about 20 students. and we had all experienced the almost unbelievable shifts in emotions, attitude and life direction that could happen so quickly and so simply through a Kinesiology session. That’s what had convinced most of us to sign up with the O’Neill Kinesiology College and study this amazing modality.
The classes were very practical. The lecturer would give us the factual information - the anatomy and physiology of each health problem, which muscles and meridians were related, emotional and spiritual connections, all of that sort of thing. We had the outlines of how to work with the particular issue and then we would practice on each other.
The first thing to establish when doing a kinesiology balance (session) is what you want to achieve – what is the goal, what do you want to change? Well I had a long list of things I wanted to change. A very long list. My personality, my coping styles, my relationships, my health – you name it and I wanted to change something about it. Nothing about me was good enough. I was very excited about the possibilities to get everything about me fixed! Every practice was an opportunity for change and I had a whole smorgasbord of things to choose from.
Did I mention that it was intense?
It didn’t take long for me to feel like my life was in chaos. Even though I had a secure income and stable home base, I stated having episodes of incredible anxiety. It made no sense! I had feelings of impending doom like I was constantly waiting for the phone call that would tell me someone I loved had died. The phone call never came, but that didn’t help. In fact it made things worse because I was left still waiting in panic.
This was the mess that I was in when I landed on one of the lecturer’s tables asking for help. She listened to what was happening, everything I was trying to change, my experience of incredible anxiety, feelings of doom and the call that never came…. And that’s when I got my most practical lesson.
She listened carefully and asked simple questions so that I could see that not only was I trying to change too many things at once, it was like I was running after spot fires, focusing on fixing symptoms rather than aiming to fix the cause.
She suggested, ‘Choose one goal that addresses the cause, and no matter what you are learning about at college, use that one goal for at least 6 months, probably longer. When you address the cause, all the other things should fall into line’.
The goal that we came up with using muscle testing, was very simple, very elegant, one that I still use for myself at times, but now more often use with clients. That goal is simply:
I am safe, calm and confident.
We set this goal and then my lecturer got to work using muscle monitoring to find out how, why and where my body/brain and survival system had lost its sense of balance and control.Then she looked for what was needed for it all to come back to a space of resilience and strength. It was a lovely session. In the days, weeks and months that followed I was no longer waiting for that dreaded phone call and I stopped experiencing those episodes of anxiety.

From then on, every time I had practice sessions at college, whether we were working on muscles, hormones, digestion or anything else, I would put in my goal – ‘I am safe, calm and confident’ and gradually things began to change in very positive ways.
Life isn’t always easy, but we can have more ease about our lives. There are situations and health conditions that can be very overwhelming and give us good reasons to feel anxious. Often they are things we can’t change no matter how much we wish we could. No matter what the situation, we absolutely can change our attitudes and coping styles, and make decisions about the sort of person we want to become and be. We absolutely can make life feel easier when we have that sense of inner calm and confidence.
Feeling safe.
Having a sense of inner calm and confidence.
Knowing that whatever happens I will be ok.
These are all incredible gifts I discovered for myself through Kinesiology. They are gifts that help dissolve stressful feelings of anxiety and dread and replace them instead with feelings anticipation and excitement.
To discover whether Kinesiology can help you find your sense of inner calm, make your appointment today.
Call or Text 0405 970 058