Extreme Times and Archetypes
We are each unique and each of us is handling this current CoVid crisis in our own individual style. However, as I’ve worked with clients over the last few weeks I’ve notice common themes. You could say they are archetypal themes. One of the main challenges when faced with archetypal issues is to remember and express your own unique pattern.
In today’s post I’m sharing some of the main themes that have been common with clients over the last few weeks and also some ideas and insights that I hope will inspire you as you live your way through this crisis in your own unique way.
The first thing I’ve noticed is that we are in a time of extreme imbalance. Chinese 5 element theory talks about Yin and Yang. Yin is the inner world, introversion, isolation, inactivity, self-exploration and just being. Yang is the outer world, extroversion and companionship, activity and doing.
Most of us are navigating the extreme aspects of yin and it’s not always pretty! Interestingly when yin goes extreme so does yang – like being on a swing that has been pushed far too high you can’t have one extreme without also seeing the other.
‘How is this being expressed in people’s energy systems?’
Well, one common pattern that I’m seeing in my clients is a lot of stress in the yin aspects of the Crown Chakra and the yang aspects of the minor Chakras of both the right hand and the right foot.
The Crown Chakra is about our connection to spirituality, experiencing faith and confidence in the divine pattern of life. It has a lot to do with knowing what your path is and being able to walk that unique path. The yin or inner world of the Crown Chakra is knowing what your path is. What does it look like and where is it going? Suddenly life is upside down and we are in a limbo of not knowing – what is about to happen, where is this all going to lead, and what does my path through it all look like? No wonder there is stress!
And no wonder there is stress on the minor Chakra of the right foot. Most of us are right handed and right footed – so if you are left handed or footed, please swap this round as needed to match yourself. When we begin to walk, usually we step out with the right foot, so we say the right foot is about stepping out, initiating action, beginning something. The main stress that comes up here is a feeling of being stopped in your tracks. You thought you knew where you are going and suddenly out of the blue, there is no path!
On the other hand (yes, please laugh at my pun) what is the yang of the right hand Chakra about? This is very interesting. We have 2 hands, the left is yin and the right is yang. Now we have imbalance in the yang aspects of something that is already yang which means we have extreme yang! The left yin hand chakra has the energy of receiving and accepting. The right yang hand chakra has the energy of giving, doing and protecting. To have stress here means many things, but primarily in the current circumstances, it seems to be about navigating the boundary between self and other – how do I interact with the outer world, what do I give others, how do I protect myself, do I hoard, or do I give freely? And many other questions may come up for you according to your own unique experience.
There are a few other common or archetypal patterns, and when you have your own session we’ll probably explore your unique experience of them but I’ll wind up this post by sharing some ideas that could help you gain a perspective that will shift out of powerlessness, find a sense of inner confidence, relax and be optimistic about both your current and future potential.
Firstly: Spend some time meditating around truth and being true to yourself.
Assess your relationships and interactions with others. When we go out to do our shopping or to exercise, it feels as though emotionally the gloves and masks are off (strange to say when a lot of people are actually physically wearing them). What I mean is that it feels like there is no expectation that we be friendly or kind to each other. It becomes too easy in our social distance to be distant and suspicious. Who and what sort of person are you really? How can you express yourself with courage, clarity and vulnerability?
Remembering that you don’t have control over external circumstances and your focus in these times of extreme yin is about yourself, explore what do you have control over and what needs to change for you so that you can look forward to life’s experiences full of energy and optimism?
Do you need to shift attention away from blaming others so you can become more solution oriented?
Over the last few weeks some Bush Flowers seem to come up repeatedly. Have a look at them to see if they fit you and your situation
Rabbit Orchid - Putting aside the reliance on an external image and being free to have honest and meaningful connections with others. Letting go of empty and shallow relationships.
Snake Vine - to be able to have a sense of optimism about the future, letting go of negativity and being able to discover new directions, objectives and goals. .
Remember your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and behind them further back are the people who have survived wars, famines, plagues and devastation. You are here because they survived. You have good genes and you have the inner resources available to survive and thrive!
If you would like a session to support you through these times I am now available for sessions via zoom.
To book a session please contact me by clicking here and filling in the contact form or call or text to my mobile
0405 970 058