Managing Stress with Kinesiology
Stress comes in many disguises.
For too many of us the list of symptoms that come from not coping well with stress are just a familiar way of life. Things like frequent headaches, racing thoughts, dry mouth, feeling overwhelmed, trouble making decisions, forgetting things, increased blood pressure, trouble sleeping….. a google search will list many more.
Here are a few stressful issues that clients have brought with them to my clinic over the last year or so:

Being attacked by a dog
Coping with newly diagnosed asthma
Work conflict
Losing a job
Starting a new job
Being pregnant
Having a new baby
Getting married
Staying single
Getting divorced
Moving house
Not moving house
Going for a driver’s licence
Public speaking
Being late
Chronic illness
Hot Flushes
Sick children
Children being bullied
Losing eyesight
Planning a holiday
Studying for exams
Being in pain

In just an hour, every one of them concluded their session feeling lighter, calmer and with a sense of inner strength they hadn’t felt for a long time, if ever. Kinesiology is an amazing stress management tool!
What do you do to manage stress?
Contact me if you’d like the 'Kinesiology Calm' experience my clients enjoy.