Frozen Shoulder Pain

Frozen Shoulder is very painful!
In my case it started with my right shoulder which had been a bit achy on and off for no obvious reason for a few years. Over a couple of days the pain began intensifying until one morning I woke to find it had suddenly gone from that occasional mild ache to feelings of heaviness, stiffness and severe pain if I tried to do simple tasks like brush my hair or scratch my head.
I knew from my nursing days and from watching an older family member suffer through the condition, that this could become a chronic issue and could even get worse. It had the potential to last at least 6 months and maybe for a couple of years. I was understandably worried. Luckily for me, I had discovered Kinesiology!
My Kinesiologist worked on the involved painful muscles and ligaments for an hour. By the end of the session my shoulder and arm felt so much better and easier to move, but I still needed to be careful. At home afterwards, I thanked my stars that I had learnt kinesiology and continued working on the shoulder myself. It took another two hours or so before I felt the majority of the pain melting away.

The shoulder joint is more flexible with a wider range of motion than pretty much every other joint in the body. To achieve this amount of mobility the shoulder ligaments need to be in good alignment.
There is a capsule that surrounds the shoulder joint. This capsule can thicken and form scar tissue which tightens the joint, inflaming the shoulder ligaments and limiting movement. The less the shoulder is moved the worse the condition becomes. A bit like a chicken and egg situation.
Being over 40 and managing autoimmune issues, I do tick a few of the risk factor boxes for developing this condition. People who get frozen shoulders tend to be over 40, and may have chronic health conditions like diabetes, Parkinson’s, heart disease, thyroid related problems or autoimmune conditions. It can follow surgery or injury, particularly if the shoulder is immobilised for a while. It can take up to 3 years to resolve and may recur but usually in the other shoulder as I experienced a year later!

Emotional issues related to shoulder joints include:
* Feeling burdened, carrying burdens
* Guilt related to caring for another
* Caring for yourself
* Having a chip on your shoulder
* Being given or giving someone else ‘the cold
* Reaching out to others
*Being able to accept others into your circle
Usual treatments include oral anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers, injections of numbing medications and/or corticosteroids. There is a surgical procedure that can be performed to loosen the joint capsule. Physiotherapy with application of warmth and gentle stretching is often helpful, as are acupuncture and Bowen Therapy. Anecdotally, some people find natural anti-inflammatories like fish oil, curcumin and other herbals provide temporary relief.
Kinesiology is an amazing modality for clearing and resolving pain! About a year after my right frozen shoulder experience, my left shoulder aslo began to suffer pain and restricted movements. Both times my shoulder was managed without a single painkiller, either pharmaceutical or natural, and resolved in a matter of days!
Kinesiology is definitely my preferred treatment option.