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Static Electricity meets Genetics

You probably know the pain – that sudden snap attack and jump when you touch something metal or sometimes when you touch another person. Well it could have something to do with the way your genetics influences your ability to clear toxins – or more specifically ‘Biotoxins’

Biotoxins include substances made by some microbes, fungi, and algal lifeforms. According to Dr Ritchie Shoemaker about 25% of the population have a glitch in the HLA-DR immune response genes which means they have trouble removing these toxins from their body. Instead of reacting, tagging and removing the toxins, the immune system is only able to react with inflammation and is unable to remove them. Long after the microbial source of the toxin has been eradicated, the toxins that were produced are still circulating around the body causing many frustrating and debilitating symptoms, in a condition known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

Because the toxins accumulate in the body, it may take a while for them to reach the tipping point level to cause symptoms. At first, there may be no symptoms or only very vague ones to indicate there could be an issue. Symptoms may suddenly get worse following exposure to mould or other sources of biotoxins in your living or working environment. The symptom picture can look very like chronic Insomnia, Adrenal Burnout or Chronic Fatigue . Dr Shoemaker provides detailed information about it all in his book 'Surviving Mold'

The symptoms are anything but straightforward, leading to the sort of non-diagnosis nightmare where all the medical tests come back clear despite the fact that the person who used to be able to run a marathon is struggling to walk between the bed and the bathroom.

Some of the Symptoms include:

  • Constantly feeling like you have the flu with headaches, migraines, body aches, congestion and fatigue

  • Becoming easily out of breath

  • Autoimmune issues

  • Leaky gut issues and trouble digesting gluten

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Chronic Pain

  • Brain Fog

  • Chronic antibiotic resistant infection especially in the nose.

  • Visual issues having trouble with light and dark contrast and driving at night.

  • Frequent urination with constant thirst

  • Electric shocks from static electricity

  • Trouble with weight – often the person who can’t lose weight even if they starve themselves.

From my research project on weight Issues I understood the process around chronic inflammation and not being able to lose weight, but It was when I read about the static electricity that I realised that as a Kinesiologist, I regularly work with clients suffering from issues which sound just like this.

One of the things that I always check and fix at the start of my client sessions is called Polarity. Polarity theory acknowledges that our bodies have a type of electricity with positive and negative charges. When their polarity is reversed people can often feel generally unwell and lack energy. It is also challenging for them to create positive changes in their life, which is why it is so important to fix. I had been puzzling about why some people would require quite a few sessions before they could hold their polarity from session to session and why it was more common to need fixing at certain times of the year.

So when, just after reading about Biotoxin issues and static electricity, I happened to be going through the symptoms associated with polarity reversal and saw not only static electricity but things like exhaustion, immune system issues, headaches, muscle pain and autoimmune disease, I had a major ‘aha’ moment! One thing that Polarity reversal could indicate is this genetic issue with the HLA-DR immune response related to clearing toxins. For me, the exciting thing is that Kinesiology already has a track record of helping with all these symptoms.

I also suffer from static electricity at times, and remember that it was particularly bad when working in a water damaged shopping centre where you could see the mould hanging out on the ceilings. My list of symptoms is very similar to the list above and I have tried many different healing modalities over the years. The one I have loved most is Kinesiology. It has helped me create profound changes in my own life and health, and since adopting it as my own main healing modality as a practitioner, I see rewarding changes in my clients too!

If you recognise yourself or someone you know in the symptom picture above then I would definitely recommend adding a Kinesiologist to your healing team.

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