Gluten Free, Grain Free, All sorts of legal...

I love my poached egg in the morning for breakfast. I've been gluten free for a while and without toast it never feels like quite enough. I tried having 2 eggs or using slices of pumpkin, but was still having that 'not quiet enough' feeling. So I thought I’d play around to see if I could make an organic, gluten free, grain free substitute for my morning toast and I’m excited to say, after a fair bit of trial and error, I’ve worked out a recipe that suits me!
1 egg
Pinch of Celtic sea salt
1 tsp Baking Powder (Mine contains potasium bicarbonate, potassium tartrate and tapioca flour)
1 dessertspoon organic coconut flour
1 dessert spoon organic green banana flour
A splash of oil (I use either organic olive or hemp)
Enough water to make a pancake/pikelet consistency - 100ml more or less (Too runny to spoon out, but thick enough to hold together in the pan)
Spice for flavour depending on topping –
(eg Cumin or turmeric if it’s for an egg
or Ginger and cinnamon for banana or stewed apple)

Put it all into a mixing bowl and mix to the desired consistency
Melt butter or oil in a fry pan
Pour the batter in and cook just like a pancake. (I usually get 2 good size pancakes from this mixture.)
Serve on a plate with desired topping.