Love Your Life

One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was that unless I knew what I wanted I would only ever be moving away from what I didn’t want.
This gem was given to me over 20 years ago when I was exploring neuro-linguist programming (NLP) and it was a challenge for me. I was living with a sense that my life was a constant struggle, very aware of 'never enough' - you may know the list yourself (or have one of your own). Never:
good enough,
smart enough,
rich enough,
popular enough,
happy enough,
etc etc you get the idea.
One challenge for me was that in the past, the ideal happy life I thought I was going to have ended up a disaster zone. Somewhere in all of the wreckage I lost my ability to trust, not only other people but life itself. I was stuck in survival mode. Imagining something better felt like setting myself up for failure. The New Year with all it's talk about setting goals and new beginnings sent me running for cover.
I did begin to change gradually as I focused on healing and personal growth, and then I found Kinesiology and began to study it. Talk about major life shifts! Kinesiology is amazing at getting right to the heart of the issues, relieving the stress of them, and promoting the person's ability to heal. It's not my only healing tool, but it is my favorite.
To create an amazing life there are some basics to consider. Of course the first step is to know what you want, but unless you pay attention to the basics, any work you put in may be subject to sabotage, collapse and disillusionment. Attending to the basics is like making sure the foundations and framework of a building are structurally sound.
The absolute basics for mental and emotional health are very physical - fresh air, nourishing food, physical touch, exercise, rest and sleep. Each one of these and feeling worthy enough to access them instead of sabotaging yourself are like foundation blocks.
The framework to build onto that foundation needs to include:
Having an inner sense of safety and security
Knowing you belong somewhere and are able to give and receive attention from friends family, pets or colleagues
Having a sense of control
Having something that challenges you, an outlet for the expression of creativity and fun, being able to explore safely yet pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone
Feeling as though you matter, you are important in some way
Having a sense of meaning and purpose
You may know what the life you would love looks like or you may be unable to start imagining it. Wherever you are, if you would like help with any point of the process - foundations, framework or the dream itself, I recommend discovering the difference that Kinesiology sessions could make to how much you could love your life.
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0405 970 058