Before you give up

Do this quick test:
This takes just minutes to do but tells you so much
1. Find a moveable light source - it could be a torch, or you may have one on your phone.
2. Close your eyes and hide your face in your hands for about a minute
3. Open your eyes, look straight into a mirror and watch your pupils while you shine the light into them.
What happened?
A. The pupils shrink and stay small for about 30 to 45 seconds.
B. The pupils flicker, constantly shrinking and enlarging.
What does it mean?
A. A pupil that can stay constricted indicates a healthy nervous system. This is indicates a person with a lot of resilience. You may feel ready to give up at the moment, but will probably find a few simple things could help. A good night's sleep, a healthy home cooked meal, a chat with a good friend or just one session with a kinesiologist will help you feel like new and ready to give things another try.
B. A pupil that flickers and won't stay steady is an indication of adrenal fatigue. If not already depleted and exhausted you are on the edge of it. It's going take a lot more than a good night's sleep, a home cooked meal and a chat with a close friend to bring your spirit back. You could probably keep pushing through and getting things done, but you run the risk of hitting the wall and crashing sooner rather than later.
Here are the stages your body will go through before it crashes:
First Stage - Alarm
You might find your sleep patterns are disturbed and you feel tired, pushed and easily irritated.
Second Stage - Continued Alarm
The stress is ongoing and there is no relief. You begin to feel continually both 'tired and wired' - that feeling like you've drunk too much coffee after a long night. In fact you could be depending on coffee or stimulants to keep you going. You will probably crash around midday and will either crash at night or need alcohol or other relaxants to wind down. Hormones begin to be affected and libido could be in a nosedive. Sleep patterns continue to be disturbed and there is no sense of feeling fresh when you wake up
Third Stage - Resistance
It's hard to go to sleep at night and harder to wake up in the morning. You are waking up tired, moody and depressed. The body is coping in survival mode. There is no energy for fun and life feels dull. You are more likely to get sick and catch colds that are hard to get rid of, especially if you take that well earned holiday. You may have vague aches and pains and crave junk foods. There is no time and energy to cook a healthy meal so fast food becomes the norm. Weight may be going on around the waist.
Fourth Stage - Burn Out
Physical and emotional exhaustion. The body has run out of resources to produce cortisol or sex hormones. The outlook on life is bleak. Sleep patterns are increasingly erratic, and no matter how long you sleep you never feel better. Motivation and drive have gone AWOL. Anxiety is constant. You need to be alone, are easily irritated and avoid stimulation and large groups.
What to do?
There are some self-help things that will keep you going. Nutritional supplements to support the nervous system like B vitamins and magnesium have helped many people. Many others benefit from taking up meditation. The trouble is that even when you know what you should be doing, you may not have the motivation to begin to help yourself.
My number one recommendation is that Kinesiology can help at any stage along this journey. It is a gentle nourishing process that can help you reassess your priorities, reduce your anxieties and call your spirit home again. The sooner you find someone to help you the sooner you start feeling better.
0405 970 058